Doctors of Madurai Apollo super speciality hospital had recently performed a rare surgery on a 50-year-old-woman with a brain aneurysm. According to the doctors, the aneurysm of the woman was particularly rare due to its ‘giant’ size and the location where it occurred.
To help the patient recover from this condition, the doctors have performed a rare procedure called ‘high flow brain bypass surgery’ on the patient.
The 50-year-old woman hailing from a village near Andipatti in Theni district was suffering from frequent headaches and double vision. For this, she consulted ophthalmologists as well. Soon after they consulted her, they found that the problem was not in the eye, but it was in the major blood vessel, which was going to the brain. She was then taken for consultation at Apollo Specialty Hospitals. The brain scans showed that she had a giant aneurysm, which is an abnormal blood vessel dilatation.
“The condition was complicated because the aneurysm was located deep in her brain and it was around 3cm to 3.5cm,” said Dr Shyam D, consultant brain and spine surgeon at the hospital.
Doctors also added that the woman could have developed weakness in her entire left side and inability to use her limbs in the left side, if the aneurysm was treated by trapping the main blood vessel. Hence, there was only one definitive way of treatment, which was to bypass the blood vessel entirely. Doctors say that the Brain bypass is similar to a Heart bypass. “In this case, another vessel was taken from the patient’s leg using an advanced endoscopic technique and then sewn in to allow blood flow to the normal vessel,” senior consultant neurosurgeon Dr S Sundara Rajan said.

Source: Economic Times Health

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