The controversial order by the Rajastan health department that only women gynaecologist and staff are to treat female patients stayed in place for only ten days. For on Monday, the body withdrew the order.

Earlier, the order has attracted its fair share of criticism from doctors across the state. The order was withdrawn after the issue was highlighted in the local media.

It was on July 8 that the additional director of medical and health services(hospital administration) issued the order. The order was made to all chief medical and health officers as also principal medical officers in Rajastan stating that as far as possible, female patients with gynaecological problems should only be checked and treated by a lady gynaecologist or staff.

Dr S.S Agarwal, the national president of the Indian Medical Association(IMA) said to the newspaper, Hindustan Times that the order sent out the wrong message among the doctors. Many are the renowned male gynaecologists in India and abroad who, he added. It’s impractical for only women gynaecologists to attend female patients with gynaecological problems, he said.

Dr R.S. Chhipi, additional director(hospital administration) had clarified that the order was issued as directed by the chief minister’s office but has been cancelled.

Meanwhile, Dr B.R.Meena insisted that the order was misinterpreted, saying that it was issued with good intentions. She said that many female patients feel uncomfortable having a male doctor treating them for their gynaecological problems; therefore the order sought to address the issue.

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