The state heaved a sigh of relief as the test results of those who came in close contact with the 12-year-old child who succumbed to Nipah virus infection returned negative in the last few days. However, the reoccurrence of the deadly disease has once again created panic among people around the country. Here’s everything about the Nipah virus, what it is, how it can spread, how deadly it is, and much more.

When the deadly Nipah mercilessly claimed 17 lives in 2018, a lab in Manipal played a great role in detecting and controlling the spread of the virus. But now, it has found itself off the list of Indian Council of Medical Research’s (ICMR) Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratories for no fault of theirs. The Manipal […]

2010 to 2020 was a decade of disease outbreaks. Several deadly diseases saw its dawn at period. Here are the five notable disease outbreaks of last decade. H7N9 Avian influenza – March 2013 A subtype of influenza virus, Avian Influenza-A flu or H7N9 was found in the birds in the past which was not […]