Erramatti Mangayamma wouldn’t have thought that her delivery could create a stir across the country. When 74-year-old Mangayamma from Andra Pradesh delivered twin girls through IVF, she set a world record by reportedly becoming the world’s oldest mother. Without doubt, it is a medical breakthrough, but does that mean that there isn’t a fine line […]
From 2010, since she found out she carries cancer causing BRCA1 (BReast CAncer gene) mutation, she was determined not to pass on the cancer-causing oncogene to her children. Hence, with the help of all modern techniques, Bengaluru’s Swayam Prabha gave birth to twins who don’t carry the mutation, which is first of such case in […]

Dr Subhash Mukhopadhyay did something only very few people do in this world- he created history. Dr Mukhopadhyay became the first physician in India(and just the second in the world) to perform the procedure to create the test tube baby. Mukhopahyay, along with a cryobiologist and gynecologist had been working on a method of in-vitro […]

While the government seems pleased with itself for giving the nod to the Surrogacy Regulation Bill on Wednesday, leading gynaecologists view the bill-which bans commercial surrogacy, in another light. The key concerns that doctors share about the bill are the following: In the event of surrogacy, the bill allows it only with a woman who […]