On Saturday, a murder case was registered against unknown person(s) regarding the death of Dr Sarvanan Ganeshan- a 26 year old junior resident doctor of AIIMS. The doctor who was pursuing an MD at AIIMS was found dead in mysterious circumstances at his rented flat in Gautam Nagar on the 10th of July, 2016. The […]

Following the threat of mass resignation by doctors in Bhubaneswar unless provided with foolproof security work , the health minister Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak has stated the government’s plan to implement the Orissa Medicare Service Persons and Medicare Service Institutions (Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property) Act, 2008. On Sunday, Nayak said to the reporters […]

Given below are the things that you should know in the event of a legal case. But these rights are more than just good-to-know given how there’s an alarming rise in such cases. 1)If an act is deemed negligence in civil law, it needn’t necessarily be so in criminal law 2)An act is criminal negligence […]

joust(/dʒaʊst/) verb gerund or present participle: jousting; noun: jousting 1. historical (of a medieval knight) engage in a sporting contest in which two opponents on horseback fight with lances 2. compete closely for superiority This is the dictionary entry you get when you Google the word ‘joust’. It’s easy to get a mental image of […]

Let’s get real here. India has a sort of ‘pedigree’ when it comes to issuing well-intentioned rules which turn around and strike at the wrong players. Those in the medical profession have found themselves at the suffering end of this phenomenon, time and time again. For one instance of putting rules or initiatives to the […]

Two doctors at the BJ Medical College in Pune are the latest to join the list of doctors who are assaulted by patient’s relatives in the nation. This time around, the assault happened after the patient passed away on Friday. The patient was suffering from liver cirrhosis. The assault happened Friday night in ward number […]

A survey that was conducted in the UK is perhaps indicative of what happens to doctors the world over once they are faced with legal cases. The survey reveals that patient complaints made against physicians and the resultant review process will have a serious effect on the doctor’s long-term psychological well-being. It could also lead […]

The Rajastan state government has begun booking sex determination crimes under Section 315 of the IPC. This entails up to 10 years in prison or fine or both. The said section pertains to an Act meant to prevent a child born alive to die after birth. This puts it in a higher punishment bracket than […]

A patient’s kin attacked at least three junior doctors at the Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital in Delhi on Wednesday night. The incident happened after a three year old patient died. The patient who suffered from encephalitis died during treatment. While the assailants-about 20 in number attacked the doctors with iron rods, the patient’s mother bit […]

In yet another incident of doctors being assaulted in India, the relatives of a patient manhandled a doctor in the Government Rajindra Hospital and Medical College, Patiala, Punjab. The incident happened on 13 July. The incident spurred a protest by about 100 PG doctors of the hospital. The protesters claimed that Dr.Manuj Chaudhary was slapped […]